Friday, January 14, 2005

A Quiet Day In The Office

It is unexceptionally quiet today. Normally at around this time (at around 3 plus or so), you will hear the fat lady's laughter from her room. Or simply "dropping by" the managers' room to talk and "JIA4 MI1 GIA3" with them. Yes, that fat lady I'm talking about is my company's AVP, and she is not around today. Yesh! and so is my VP!!!

Nah... It's not I don't like her or what. This moment of quietness is rarely heard ever since I joined SES. Now what I can only hear is clerks chit-chatting away and of course my keyboard's noice. I'm really super-duper free this week. Unlike the torment I've suffered the previous one where I've to endure harsh datelines when the job I did actually doesn't really matters. What a waste of man power!

Today (not the free papers) is Thursday and I can already smell what Saturday is gonna be like. Usually during school terms, I would't even care if it's Monday or Saturday since I practically study every single day. Now that I'm working, the amount of freedom one gets is much, much restricted as I have to constantly look out for fat lady and managers walking past me. Life is simply monotonous from Monday to Friday, and people like me can only pray for Saturdays to arrive to make a difference. I'm not despair, I'm just temporary sian. Getting used to a new environment seriously takes time to adapt. Not taking into account that your colleagues are don't know how many donkey years older than you. Ha! What about my schoolmates you might ask. Other than my good friend Brenda, the others are simply too shy to talk. Man! Even a quiet person like me has met my match!

Work, lunch, work, go home, surf net, watch animations, then sleep... so is it gonna be a vicious cycle for 24 weeks? Nope, I hope not. Time is really precious at the moment, I'll now focus in doing the things I really want to do or things that I dare not try in the past. I need to break the barrier which I created for myself... and I need a change in mindset.

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